I could see that the Unit tests are run against the latest oslo.messaging
from the master, and source tree is old.
[***@ip9-114-192-185 cinder-es]# grep install_command tox.ini
install_command = pip install -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:
} {opts} {packages}
[***@ip9-114-192-185 cinder-es]#
Will get the configuration fixed. Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks & Regards,
Chhavi Agarwal
Cloud System Software Group.
From: Sean McGinnis <***@gmail.com>
To: ***@oracle.com
Cc: ***@in.ibm.com, ***@lists.openstack.org,
***@electronicjungle.net, John Griffith
Date: 11/28/2018 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Openstack] [Cinder] Cinder New Tag Release
Post by iain MacDonnellPost by Chhavi AgarwalWant to know if we can have a new Cinder tag release to incorporate
the new fixes.
[attempting to cross-post to openstack-discuss]
Cinder 13.x releases are OpenStack Rocky, and the upper-constraints for
Rocky [1] says oslo.messaging===8.1.2, so there should be no need to
backport this fix.
Are you trying to run the unit tests when you see this? When I run tox
on stable/rocky, it installs 8.1.2 as one of the dependencies,
Post by iain MacDonnellto be honest, I'm really not sure how tox knows that that's the right
Ahh, here's how it knows :-
$ grep install_command tox.ini
install_command = pip install
{opts} {packages}
Yeah, we shouldn't need to backport something like this. We have upper
constraints specifically
to avoid needing to handle cases like this.